TDG`s Greater Shasta-Newberry Target
With the latest Corp Deck released by TDG, there are a couple of findings that are worth mentioning. A very positive aspect that is not directly mentioned in the presentation but becomes obvious as a follower and investor, TDG is super quick to tackle new information as it emerges. It is one thing to be gifted as a company involved in exploration with your neighbours making a new discovery overlapping to your ground, the other is how you go about handling this task. TDG is absolute on-top of things and gets all the bearings in motion to keep up with the required pace and make timely corporate decisions. As a quick recap, the first release of Drill-results by HDI Amarc was on 17. January. Some 2 Weeks later, they have embraced the changing world around them by securing a 15 Million Exploration Budget and have all strategic targets completely layed out. Some findings worth noting:
The new Corp Deck, find here, is including a top view of the topography indicating how close the drill holes are to the Shasta Mineral Resource Estimate - MRE. Encircled with the now expanded target, Greater Shasta. The Dimension also indicates a relative view of the existing MRE, to the greater outline comprised of several SQKM.
In Soil anomalies
The indicated values from the AURORA area to Shasta East seem to completely match. Bear in mind this is copper, giving hint to something else going on at the Shasta-East area, in addition to the already known Gold & Silver. Another key item that is obvious, the soil samples in the 2km area in between Shasta-East and Newberry is 0.0! There simply has not been any work done in the whole area, let alone drilling!
In Soil values, matching AURORA
Shasta Extension
The slide summarising the existing roughly 1 MOz AuEq MRE, below, is also starting to show what a possible extension could mean in the overall context of the AURORA Discovery. The relativity to the overarching potential, what in total is starting to look like a really cool system.
What is further indicated, the IP anomaly below is pointing straight at the Newberry Target. Its bonkers that especially this area has never been systematically explored nor drilled!
Geo-Modell and AURORA unconformity
AURORA is marked in the lower stratigraphy than Shasta Gold and Silver Deposit. I think they are saying that the Copper and Gold system found at AURORA could be underneath Shasta.
Net Smelter Return Royalties
The Royalty slide is summarising the relatively low NSR´s for this ground, the Baker area is mostly 1% and Greater Shasta-Newberry, now being mostly in focus, is only 1,5%. This has not been sold out, which could add to a positive business case.
At the time of writing this Article,, published by L&L Consulting GmbH & Managing Director: Daniel Lütten; owned shares of TDG Gold Corp. purchased on the Open Market, through Private Placement and paid as Finders Fee’s from a Purchase Agreement in 2024. TDG Gold Corp. does not currently have an active paid advertising arrangement with The articulated views in this article are to be considered biased in favour of TDG Gold Corp. may choose to buy or sell at any time without notice. This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. does not provide general or specific investment advice and the information on should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security, nor any other possible investment vehicle. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial advisor and perform their own comprehensive investment due dilligence. The content provided is for information and entertainment purposes only. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to`s terms of use and full legal disclaimer. does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company, or other investment opportunities, mentioned.